Sarah (?)

F, #1419, b. circa 1801, d. 22 Jul 1858
Married Name Her married name was Vickers. 
Birth*circa 1801 Sarah (?) was born circa 1801.1,2 
Birthcirca 1803 She was born circa 1803 at KY.3 
Marriage* She married James Vickers.1 
Death*22 Jul 1858 Sarah (?) died on 22 Jul 1858.1,2 
Burial* She was buried at Cold Spring First Baptist Church Cemetery, Cold Spring, Campbell, KY.1,2 


James Vickers b. 7 Oct 1794, d. 29 Feb 1860


  1. [S792] Cold Spring First Baptist Church Cemetery, Campbell Co., KY, online…. Hereinafter cited as Cold Spring Cemetery.
  2. [S1045] Find a Grave Web Site, online Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave Web Site.
  3. [S876] or Heritage Quest or, 1850 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, 2nd District, Campbell County, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.

Ruth (?)

F, #1420
Married Name Her married name was Crawford. 
Marriage* Ruth (?) married Clay Crawford, son of Leonard Jacob Crawford and Ella J Horner


Clay Crawford b. 15 Sep 1888, d. 4 Oct 1973

Dr. Carl Edward Vogel1,2,3

M, #1423, b. 20 Feb 1891, d. 7 Aug 1957
Carl Edward Vogel
FatherJacob Vogel4
MotherMary Hohenberger4
Birth*20 Feb 1891 Dr. Carl Edward Vogel was born on 20 Feb 1891 at Cold Spring, Campbell, KY.5,1,6,7,2 
Birth21 Feb 1891 He was born on 21 Feb 1891 at Cold Spring, Campbell, KY.4,3 
Marriage*circa 1914 He married Nannie C Horner, daughter of Milton A Horner and Georgiana A Clephane, circa 1914.6 
Occupation5 Jun 1917  As of 5 Jun 1917, his occupation was instructor at Berea College.2 
Description*5 Jun 1917 Dr. Carl Edward Vogel was described as tall, medium build, gray eyes, light brown hair, not bald on 5 Jun 1917.2 
Address*5 Jun 1917  As of 5 Jun 1917, the address of Dr. Carl Edward Vogel and Nannie C Horner was Prospect, Berea, Madison, KY.2 
Address23 Apr 1919  As of 23 Apr 1919, the address of Dr. Carl Edward Vogel and Nannie C Horner was Berea, Madison, KY.8 
Occupation*1 Jan 1920  As of 1 Jan 1920, his occupation was college teacher.1 
Occupation1 Apr 1930  As of 1 Apr 1930, his occupation was Methodist minister.6 
Address1 Apr 1935  As of 1 Apr 1935, the address of Dr. Carl Edward Vogel and Nannie C Horner was 1811 Center Avenue, Ashland, Boyd, KY; I suspect Virginia was not here because this was before Carl and Virginia were married. However she may have been a servant there.7 
Occupation1 Apr 1940  As of 1 Apr 1940, his occupation was preacher at M.E. Church.7 
Address18 Jun 1942  As of 18 Jun 1942, the address of Dr. Carl Edward Vogel and Nannie C Horner was 2239 Boulevard Napoleon, Louisville, Jefferson, KY.9 
Marriage* Dr. Carl Edward Vogel married Minnie Keilman.10,4 
Address*7 Aug 1957  As of 7 Aug 1957, the address of Dr. Carl Edward Vogel and Minnie Keilman was 217 Wall Street, Maysville, Mason, KY.4,5 
Death Caus7 Aug 1957 Cause of death was retroperitoneal carcinoma.4 
Death*7 Aug 1957 Dr. Carl Edward Vogel died on 7 Aug 1957 at Hayswood Hospital, Maysville, Mason, KY, at age 66.5,4,10,3 
Burial*9 Aug 1957 He was buried at Cave Hill Cemetery, 451-5630 SECTION 23 Lot Range C Grave: 3, Louisville, Jefferson, KY.11,10,4 
Obituary Obituary for Dr. Carl Edward Vogel:
Former Ashland Minister Dies in Maysville

Dr. Carl E. Vogel, 65, former pastor of the First Methodist Church here, died yesterday afternoon in the Hayswood Hospital at Maysville, Ky., following an extended illness.

Dr. Vogel was pastor of the local church from 1936 until 1941. He had held pastorates in the Kentucky Conference and the Louisville Conference and the Louisville Conference and was president of the Frankfort District for six years. At one time he served as dean of Union College at Barbourville, Ky.

He had been pastor of Trinity Methodist Church at Maysville for the past two years.

Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the Trinity Methodist Church at Maysville with Bishop William T. Watkins of Louisville officiating. Burial will be in the Cave Hill Cemetery at Louisville with graveside services to be conducted by Dr. Leggett, pastor of the Trinity Temple Methodist Church in Louisville.

Survivors include the wife, Mrs. Minnie Vogel; one son, Karl Vogel, of Chicago; and one granddaughter, Miss Virginia Kay Vogel, of Ashland.

It was Dr. Vogel's request that friends omit flowers and instead asked that contributions be made to the Trinity Methodist Church Building Fund.10
Obituary* Obituary for Dr. Carl Edward Vogel:

On Wednesday, 3:00 p.m., August 7, 1957, this Kentucky Annual Conference lost a valiant leader, an irreplaceable builder of the Church in Kentucky. My friend, your friend, a good minister of Jesus Christ, Dr. Carl E. Vogel, will not answer roll call at this Conference session. He has left us and his going brings not only grief to his family and friends, but such serious loss in the ranks of the ministry of this Conference that the thoughtful leaders of this Conference are stunned and perplexed with the problem of carrying on without him.

Carl Edward Vogel was born February 21, 1891, at Cold Springs, Kentucky, the youngest of a family of thirteen children. He graduated from Campbell County High School. In order to attend college, he carried the rural mail for some three years and saved his earnings for college expenses. He graduated from Berea College with distinction and in 1950 he was honored with the Doctor of Divinity degree at Union College.

Dr. Vogel was admitted into membership of the Kentucky Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1919, and served effectively many churches of the Conference. His entire ministry was in Kentucky. He was pastor at Corbin, Berea, Harlan, First Church in Ashland, Trinity Temple in Louisville, Fort Thomas, Pikeville and Maysville. He was District Superintendent of the Barbourville District in his earlier ministry and recently was District Superintendent of the Frankfort District. For a brief period he was Acting Dean of Union College. He was a most devoted Trustee of Union College for many years. During all his pastorates, Dr. Vogel was a community man. The entire life of every city or community where he served felt the lift and power of his leadership for righteousness. Today all Kentuckians are proud of Cumberland State Park which enshrines beautiful Cumberland Falls—a scenic center of Southeastern Kentucky and enjoyed by all Kentuckians as well as by thousands of tourists from many states each year. But Dr. Carl E. Vogel was the moving spirit that fought for the creation of Cumberland State Park while he served as President of the Cumberland Falls Preservation Association. He was also a friend of Boy Scouts, and his outstanding service in scouting earned for him the Silver Beaver award presented to him by the National Council of Boy Scouts of America in 1933. This is the highest honor that can come to an adult Volunteer Scout leader. In Rotary and Kiwanis he was always a civic leader and was known and beloved community-wide wherever he served.

An adequate appraisal of the life and work of Carl Edward Vogel is not easy. He was a man of many marked qualities, but all his talents were organize completely around his one passion—to lead men and women to God. His own spiritual girth made him a master in the skill of spiritual guidance and evangelistic power. He was not simply a preacher but a revivalist of the first order. People loved him because he never grew weary in helping people. Self-denial to help people was the mold in which he was cast. This was the chief joy of his life and he never tired in utmost efforts to help his fellowmen to find Christ in their personal experience. At all hours and at any personal inconvenience he was available to counsel and assist any in trouble and to guide any confused and frustrated in mind or heart. The warmth of his brotherly spirit made other lives glow in hope and faith.

Brother Vogel was a man of definite and intense convictions. He did not parade his convictions but neither did he apologize for them. He was utterly unafraid when it came to declaring his convictions, or taking an uncompromising stand in loyalty to Christian principle as he saw it. In his early ministry, he was inclined to be offensively dogmatic in his declaration of convictions and made enemies at times. But in his later years, he was sweet-spirited in his firmness of convictions, and those in disagreement held him in high esteem.

Again Brother Vogel was a dedicated man. Putting his hand to the plow, he never looked back. He possessed resources of dedication to a cause that seemed almost inexhaustable. He would never surrender or waver in his loyalty. This loyalty to a commitment was a thing of supreme concern to him and he was a stranger to retreat. Whenever this man settled a course of action or an attitude as right, there was no compromise.

Another mark that distinguished Carl Vogel was his enthusiasm. From his private conversation to his public utterances, he was always bubbling over with enthusiasm. There was a whole-heartedness in his living as well as his preaching that made him ever fresh and interesting to all who came under his attention. He impressed all as having within him a spring of living water-that flowed ceaselessly in a refreshing stream. This gave a contagion to his personality that explains his winsomeness with people everywhere.

I hope I may be excused for a personal testimony in my experience with this man of such rare spirit. During his long tenure as Trustee of Union College, I worked closely with Dr. Vogel. He was never absent from a Board meeting except last May when his health made attendance impossible. Never have I witnessed such devotion and loyalty as he had for Union College. For many years he was minute secretary of the Board and worked with full abandon for the promotion and welfare of the College. During these years of his trusteeship, Dr. Vogel was a great builder of this institutioin and I learned to lean on him in many critical situations for skilled leadership, sound wisdom, and plenty of hard work. His replacement in this post will be hard to find, and for years to come Union College will suffer a severe loss in his absence.

Our deep sympathy and prayers go out to the stricken widow, Mrs. Minnie Vogel, the son, Karl E. Voge1, Jr., and the two sisters, Mrs. Katie E. Puff, and Mrs. L. B. Pendery, and a brother, Jacob F. Vogel. Thousands of friends share with the family the painful experience of the loss of this great man of God from their fellowship and from the leadership of the Church he loved and in whose service he gave his all. The memory of Carl Edward Vogel will bring strength and inspiration for finer living and richer service to all who were fortunate in knowing him.


Family 1

Nannie C Horner b. 26 Oct 1889, d. 18 Jun 1942
Marriage*circa 1914 He married Nannie C Horner, daughter of Milton A Horner and Georgiana A Clephane, circa 1914.6 

Family 2

Minnie Keilman
Marriage* Dr. Carl Edward Vogel married Minnie Keilman.10,4 


  1. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Berea, Madison, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S1501] Carl Edward Vogel, United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, FamilySearch ( : Berea, Madison County, KY : accessed 12 February 2014, NARA microfilm publication M1509 (Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration). Hereinafter cited as United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  3. [S1564] Carl Edward Vogel, Journal of The Kentucky Conference, The Proceedings of the One Hundred and Thirty-Seventh Session (Nineteenth Session of the United Church), Union College, Barbourville, Kentucky, August 20-23, 1957, unknown location, p. 213-214. Hereinafter cited as Carl Edward Vogel Memoir.
  4. [S1319] Unknown volume, Carl Vogel Death Certificate, The Minnie Winder Genealogy & Local History Room - Boyd County Public Library, 1740 Central Avenue, Ashland, Boyd, KY. Hereinafter cited as Carl Vogel Death Certificate.
  5. [S833] Kentucky Death Index 1911-2000, online, Volume 35 certificate 17468. Hereinafter cited as Kentucky Death Index 1911-2000.
  6. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Barbourville, Knox, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  7. [S1307], United States Census, 1940, index and images, FamilySearch (n.p.:, Enumeration District 10-17, sheet 10B. Hereinafter cited as 1940 United States Federal Census.
  8. [S1213] Unknown volume, Kentucky Vital Records Project: Milton A Horner death certificate; File No. 14473; Registered No. 96, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Kentucky Vital Records Project.
  9. [S1318] Unknown volume, Nancy Vogel Death Certificate, The Minnie Winder Genealogy & Local History Room - Boyd County Public Library, 1740 Central Avenue, Ashland, Boyd, KY. Hereinafter cited as Nancy Vogel Death Certificate.
  10. [S1320] Unknown article title, Former Ashland Minister Dies In Maysville - Carl Vogel Obituary, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as Carl Vogel Obituary.
  11. [S1316] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.

Nettie Preuss

F, #1424, b. circa 1884, d. 15 Apr 1965
Father(?) Preuss
Name Variation Nettie Preuss was also known as Nora S.1,2 
Married Name Her married name was Lock. 
Birthcirca 1882 She was born circa 1882 at OH.2 
Birth*circa 1884 She was born circa 1884 at OH.1 
Birthcirca 1904 She was born circa 1904 at Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH.3,4 
Marriage* She married Fredrick James Lock, son of John Brown Lock Jr. and Mary Revel
Address*1 Apr 1935  As of 1 Apr 1935, the address of Nettie Preuss and Fredrick James Lock was Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH.4 
Death*15 Apr 1965 Nettie Preuss died on 15 Apr 1965 at Campbell, KY.3 
Burial*19 Apr 1965 She was buried Southgate, Campbell, KY. 


Fredrick James Lock b. 15 Oct 1884, d. 21 Apr 1953
Marriage* She married Fredrick James Lock, son of John Brown Lock Jr. and Mary Revel


  1. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Precinct B, Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Precinct 1, Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S132] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Kentucky Vital Statistics -- January 1911 - December 1918"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  4. [S1307], United States Census, 1940, index and images, FamilySearch (n.p.:, Fort Thomas, Campbell County, KY, Enumeration District 19-79, sheet 2B. Hereinafter cited as 1940 United States Federal Census.

Gregory James Lock

M, #1425, b. 3 Jan 1911, d. 9 Jun 1995
FatherFredrick James Lock b. 15 Oct 1884, d. 21 Apr 1953
MotherNettie Preuss b. circa 1884, d. 15 Apr 1965
Birth*3 Jan 1911 Gregory James Lock was born on 3 Jan 1911 at Hamilton, OH.1,2,3,4,5 
Occupation1 Apr 1930  As of 1 Apr 1930, his occupation was Co-op U. C. (student) at a gas company.5 
Occupation* His occupation was military.2 
Address*Jun 1995  As of Jun 1995, the address of Gregory James Lock was Alexandria, Fairfax, VA, 22309.3 
Death*9 Jun 1995 He died on 9 Jun 1995 at age 84.1,3 
Burial* He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Section 2 Site E-158-A, Arlington, VA.1 




  1. [S850] Department of Veterans Affairs Nationwide Gravesite Locator, online Hereinafter cited as VA Gravesite Locator.
  2. [S803] Interview with Mrs. Gregory Lock (Alexandria, VA), by Richard Lee Horner, 12 Aug 2003. Unknown repository (unknown repository address). 4740 Neptune Dr
    Alexandria, VA 22309
    (703) 780-4727.
  3. [S347] Social Security Death Index (SSDI), 285-32-9671 (Baltimore, MD: United States Social Security Administration). Hereinafter cited as Social Security Death Index (SSDI).
  4. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Precinct B, Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Precinct 1, Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  6. [S1050] Unknown article title, John Frederick Lock to be Christened, unknown location, 6 May 1950, B4. Hereinafter cited as John Frederick Lock to be Christened.

Harry Beverly Hupp Sr.1

M, #1427, b. 21 Feb 1880, d. 6 May 1938
FatherAbner C Hupp2,3 b. Mar 1842
MotherMary (?)4 b. circa 1851, d. before Apr 1910
Name Variation Harry Beverly Hupp Sr. was also known as Henry.4 
Birthcirca 1880 He was born circa 1880 at Newport, Campbell, KY
Occupation21 Feb 1880  As of 21 Feb 1880, his occupation was insurance agent manager.2 
Address*21 Feb 1880  As of 21 Feb 1880, the address of Harry Beverly Hupp Sr. was Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY.2 
Birth*21 Feb 1880 He was born on 21 Feb 1880 at Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH.2,5,4,6,7,8,9 
Occupation1 Jun 1900  As of 1 Jun 1900, his occupation was clerk at an express company.6 
Marriage*7 Apr 1903 He married Olive B Horner, daughter of Milton A Horner and Georgiana A Clephane, on 7 Apr 1903 at Newport, Campbell, KY.2,7,9,10 
Occupation15 Apr 1910  As of 15 Apr 1910, his occupation was special agent at a bonded company.7 
Description*12 Sep 1918 Harry Beverly Hupp Sr. was described as medium height, medium build, brown eyes, brown hair, slightly bald on 12 Sep 1918 at Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY.1 
Occupation12 Sep 1918  As of 12 Sep 1918, his occupation was special agent at the US Fidelity and Guaranty Company.5 
Address*12 Sep 1918  As of 12 Sep 1918, the address of Harry Beverly Hupp Sr. and Olive B Horner was 13 Chalfonte Place, Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY.5 
Occupation*1 Jan 1920  As of 1 Jan 1920, his occupation was special agent, bond ___.8 
Occupation1 Apr 1930  As of 1 Apr 1930, his occupation was manager at an insurance ___.9 
Death*6 May 1938 Harry Beverly Hupp Sr. died on 6 May 1938 at Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH, at age 58.2 
Burial*9 May 1938 He was buried at Asbury United Methodist Cemetery, Cold Spring, Campbell, KY.2,11


Olive B Horner b. 11 Nov 1878, d. 17 Jun 1943
Marriage*7 Apr 1903 He married Olive B Horner, daughter of Milton A Horner and Georgiana A Clephane, on 7 Apr 1903 at Newport, Campbell, KY.2,7,9,10 


  1. [S889] Unknown subject, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (n.p.: Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  2. [S1214] Unknown volume, Ohio Deaths, 1908 - 1953: Harry B. Hupp Sr. death certificate, File No. 28891,, Hereinafter cited as Ohio Deaths, 1908 - 1953.
  3. [S836] 1910 KY Miracode Index, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Census 1910, Miracode, KY.
  4. [S879] or Heritage Quest or, 1880 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S1542] Harry Beverly Hupp, United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, FamilySearch ( : Campbell County, KY : accessed 12 February 2014, NARA microfilm publication M1509 (Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration). Hereinafter cited as United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  6. [S880] or Heritage Quest or, 1900 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.
  7. [S881] or Heritage Quest or, 1910 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, District of the Highlands, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1910 United States Federal Census.
  8. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Highland Precinct, Fort Thomas, Campbell , KY. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  9. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  10. [S1329] Unknown name of person, "Kentucky, Marriages, 1785-1979", index unknown file number,, Hereinafter cited as "Kentucky, Marriages, 1785-1979", index.
  11. [S1045] Find a Grave Web Site, online, Harry Hupp, Asbury United Methodist Cemetery, Highland Heights, Campbell County, KY. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave Web Site.

Mamie E Schuh

F, #1428, b. circa 1877, d. 25 May 1934
Married Name Her married name was Lock.1 
Name Variation Mamie E Schuh was also known as Mae.1 
Birth*circa 1877 She was born circa 1877 at Dayton, Campbell, KY.2 
Birthcirca 1878 She was born circa 1878 at KY.1 
Marriage*17 Sep 1900 She married Wilbert Edward Lock, son of John Brown Lock Jr. and Mary Revel, on 17 Sep 1900 at Dayton, Campbell, KY.1,2 
Address*12 Sep 1918  As of 12 Sep 1918, the address of Mamie E Schuh and Wilbert Edward Lock was 911 3rd Avenue, Dayton, Campbell, KY.3 
Address*25 May 1934  As of 25 May 1934, the address of Mamie E Schuh was 1050 Marshall, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH.4 
Death*25 May 1934 She died on 25 May 1934 at Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH.4


Wilbert Edward Lock b. 18 Dec 1878, d. 2 Nov 1934
Marriage*17 Sep 1900 She married Wilbert Edward Lock, son of John Brown Lock Jr. and Mary Revel, on 17 Sep 1900 at Dayton, Campbell, KY.1,2 


  1. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Ward 1, Bellevue, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S1349] Unknown volume, "Kentucky, Marriages, 1785-1979," index: W.E. Lock and Mamie Schuh, 17 Sep 1900,, Hereinafter cited as "Kentucky, Marriages, 1785-1979," index.
  3. [S1342] United States, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online unknown url, Wilbert Edward Lock, 1917-1918. Hereinafter cited as United States, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  4. [S1355] Unknown name of person, unknown record type unknown number,,, Mayme Lock, 1934. Hereinafter cited as Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953.

Robert Clarence Riggall1

M, #1431, b. 30 Mar 1882, d. 13 May 1955
World War I Draft Registration for Robert Clarence Riggall
Birth*30 Mar 1882 Robert Clarence Riggall was born on 30 Mar 1882 at KY.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1 
Marriage*10 Oct 1909 He married Mabel V Horner, daughter of Milton A Horner and Georgiana A Clephane, on 10 Oct 1909 at Dayton, Campbell, KY.8,6 
Occupation1 Jun 1910  As of 1 Jun 1910, his occupation was merchant.4 
Occupation12 Sep 1918  As of 12 Sep 1918, his occupation was merchant.1 
Address12 Sep 1918  As of 12 Sep 1918, the address of Robert Clarence Riggall and Mabel V Horner was Cold Spring, Campbell, KY.1 
Occupation1 Jan 1920  As of 1 Jan 1920, his occupation was grocery store merchant.5 
Occupation*1 Apr 1930  As of 1 Apr 1930, his occupation was store keeper of his own general merchandise store.6 
Address*1 Apr 1935  As of 1 Apr 1935, the address of Robert Clarence Riggall and Mabel V Horner was Ripple Creek Road, Cold Spring, Campbell, KY.7 
Death*13 May 1955 Robert Clarence Riggall died on 13 May 1955 at Campbell, KY, at age 73.2,9 
Burial*16 May 1955 He was buried at Alexandria Cemetery, Alexandria, Campbell, KY.2,10 


Mabel V Horner b. Sep 1876, d. 12 Aug 1948
Marriage*10 Oct 1909 He married Mabel V Horner, daughter of Milton A Horner and Georgiana A Clephane, on 10 Oct 1909 at Dayton, Campbell, KY.8,6 


  1. [S1342] United States, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online unknown url, Robert Clarence Riggall, 1917-1918. Hereinafter cited as United States, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  2. [S775] Alexandria Cemetery, Alexandria, Campbell Co., KY, online…. Hereinafter cited as Alexandria KY Cemetery.
  3. [S132] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Kentucky Vital Statistics -- January 1911 - December 1918"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  4. [S881] or Heritage Quest or, 1910 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Cold Spring Precinct, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1910 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, District 4, (Cold Spring), Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  6. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, District 4, Cold Spring, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  7. [S1307], United States Census, 1940, index and images, FamilySearch (n.p.:, Cold Spring, Campbell County, KY, Enumeration District 19-84, sheet 9A. Hereinafter cited as 1940 United States Federal Census.
  8. [S1329] Unknown name of person, "Kentucky, Marriages, 1785-1979", index unknown file number,, Hereinafter cited as "Kentucky, Marriages, 1785-1979", index.
  9. [S785] Kentucky Death Index 1911 - 1986, online Hereinafter cited as Kentucky Death Index 1911 - 1986.
  10. [S1362] "Kentucky, Deaths and Burials, 1843-1970," index, online unknown url, Robert C. Riggall. Hereinafter cited as "Kentucky, Deaths and Burials, 1843-1970," index.

David Richard Lock1

M, #1432, b. 9 Jul 1884, d. 11 Apr 1935
FatherWilliam Henry Lock b. circa 1860, d. 3 Oct 1907
MotherMary Mouseheart b. 1859, d. 14 May 1890
Birth*9 Jul 1884 David Richard Lock was born on 9 Jul 1884 at Newport, Campbell, KY.1,2,3 
BirthAug 1885 He was born in Aug 1885 at KY.4,5 
Marriage*18 Oct 1904 He married Estella B Ware, daughter of William H Ware and Jennie (?), on 18 Oct 1904 at Newport, Campbell, KY
Marriage* David Richard Lock married Florence E Colling.5 
Occupation12 Sep 1918  As of 12 Sep 1918, his occupation was street car conductor for the Chicago Street Railway.1 
Description*12 Sep 1918 David Richard Lock was described as medium height, medium build, brown eyes, brown hair on 12 Sep 1918 at Chicago, Cook, IL.6 
Address*12 Sep 1918  As of 12 Sep 1918, the address of David Richard Lock and Florence E Colling was 1839 South Sawyer, Chicago, Cook, IL.1 
Occupation*1 Jan 1920  As of 1 Jan 1920, his occupation was bank teller.5 
Occupation1 Apr 1930  As of 1 Apr 1930, his occupation was railroad foreman.2 
Death*11 Apr 1935 David Richard Lock died on 11 Apr 1935 at Campbell, KY, at age 50.7 

Family 1

Estella B Ware b. 8 Jul 1889, d. 23 Aug 1911
Marriage*18 Oct 1904 He married Estella B Ware, daughter of William H Ware and Jennie (?), on 18 Oct 1904 at Newport, Campbell, KY

Family 2

Florence E Colling b. circa 1887
Marriage* David Richard Lock married Florence E Colling.5 


  1. [S1514] David Richard Lock, United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, FamilySearch ( : Chicago, Cook County, OH : accessed 12 February 2014, NARA microfilm publication M1509 (Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration). Hereinafter cited as United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  2. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Ward 4, Batvia, Kane, IL. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S1369] Unknown subject entry, unknown record type, Donald H Locke, 29 Nov 1909,,
  4. [S880] or Heritage Quest or, 1900 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Newport Precinct B, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Ward 13, Chicago, Cook, IL. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  6. [S889] Unknown subject, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (n.p.: Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  7. [S132] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Kentucky Vital Statistics -- January 1911 - December 1918"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.

Estella B Ware

F, #1433, b. 8 Jul 1889, d. 23 Aug 1911
FatherWilliam H Ware b. Sep 1868
MotherJennie (?)1 b. Jul 1869, d. 5 Jun 1919
Married Name Her married name was Lock. 
Birth*8 Jul 1889 Estella B Ware was born on 8 Jul 1889 at Belleview, Boone, KY.1,2 
Marriage*18 Oct 1904 She married David Richard Lock, son of William Henry Lock and Mary Mouseheart, on 18 Oct 1904 at Newport, Campbell, KY
Death*23 Aug 1911 Estella B Ware died on 23 Aug 1911 at Denver, Denver, CO, at age 22. 
Burial*28 Aug 1911 She was buried Southgate, Campbell, KY. 


David Richard Lock b. 9 Jul 1884, d. 11 Apr 1935


  1. [S880] or Heritage Quest or, 1900 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, District of the Highlands, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S1369] Unknown subject entry, unknown record type, Donald H Locke, 29 Nov 1909,,

David Richard Lock

M, #1434, b. circa 1906
FatherDavid Richard Lock b. 9 Jul 1884, d. 11 Apr 1935
MotherEstella B Ware b. 8 Jul 1889, d. 23 Aug 1911
Birth*circa 1906 David Richard Lock was born circa 1906.1 


  1. [S731] Deduction by Richard Lee Horner based on time of other events in the life of the person.

Donald Harrison Lock

M, #1435, b. 29 Nov 1909
FatherDavid Richard Lock1 b. 9 Jul 1884, d. 11 Apr 1935
MotherEstella B Ware1 b. 8 Jul 1889, d. 23 Aug 1911
Birth*29 Nov 1909 Donald Harrison Lock was born on 29 Nov 1909 at Chicago, Cook, IL.1,2,3 
Occupation*1 Apr 1930  As of 1 Apr 1930, his occupation was chauffeur.3 


  1. [S1369] Unknown subject entry, unknown record type, Donald H Locke, 29 Nov 1909,,
  2. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Fort Thomas, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Ward 4, Batvia, Kane, IL. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.

Augusta Reichess

F, #1436, b. 14 Dec 1863, d. 5 Sep 1940
Note* Augusta Reichess Both parents born in Germany according to 1900 census.1 
Name Variation She was also known as riechers.2 
Married Name Her married name was Horner. 
Birth*14 Dec 1863 She was born on 14 Dec 1863 at Newport, Campbell, KY.2,3,4,5,6 
BirthDec 1864 She was born in Dec 1864 at Newport, Campbell, KY; 1900 census shows that both of her parents were born in Germany.7 
Marriage*25 Mar 1891 She married Joseph Warren Horner, son of George W Horner and Francis M Baker, on 25 Mar 1891 at Campbell, KY.7,3 
Death*5 Sep 1940 Augusta Reichess died on 5 Sep 1940 at Los Angeles, CA, at age 76.2 


Joseph Warren Horner b. 23 Nov 1860, d. before Jan 1920
Marriage*25 Mar 1891 She married Joseph Warren Horner, son of George W Horner and Francis M Baker, on 25 Mar 1891 at Campbell, KY.7,3 


  1. [S621] Census Bureau, 1900 US Census, Campbell Co., KY (Washington, DC: United States Department of the Interior), ??? Precinct No.1, Magistrate Dist. No. 1, ED 10, sheet 8, nos. 138/149, National Archives Microfilm T623, roll ????
  2. [S732] California Death Records, online Hereinafter cited as CA Death Records.
  3. [S881] or Heritage Quest or, 1910 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Kenmore, Summit, OH. Hereinafter cited as 1910 United States Federal Census.
  4. [S882] or Heritage Quest or, 1920 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S883] or Heritage Quest or, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Pr AD66, Block 393, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  6. [S1363] Unknown subject entry, unknown record type, Delayed births, Ruth Emma Horner, 1902,,
  7. [S880] or Heritage Quest or, 1900 United States Federal Census (n.p.:, Newport, Campbell, KY. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.
  8. [S1624] Marriage: Roy Adams and Elsie Horner, by FamilySearch; unknown series;, unknown repository address. Online; unknown file name; Printout dated 3 May 2013.

William Jenkins

M, #1437, b. 13 Dec 1816, d. 7 Feb 1897
FatherJohn Jenkins1
MotherAnn (?)1
Birth*13 Dec 1816 William Jenkins was born on 13 Dec 1816 at Bristol, England.2,1 
Marriage* He married Lemarian Mann, daughter of William Mann and Jane (?)
Address*7 Feb 1897  As of 7 Feb 1897, the address of William Jenkins was Gilbert Avenue, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH.1 
Death Caus7 Feb 1897 Cause of death was heart disease.1 
Death*7 Feb 1897 He died on 7 Feb 1897 at home, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH, at age 80.1 
Burial*9 Feb 1897 He was buried at Spring Grove Cemetery, Sec. 110, Lot 72, Space 19, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH; undertaker was CM Epply.1 


Lemarian Mann b. 29 May 1828, d. 18 Aug 1899


  1. [S1099] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
  2. [S779] 1880 Census Database, online, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (unknown location), 1999-2002, 1880 census of daughter Laura indicates he is born in England.
  3. [S1097] Unknown article title, Jenkins Funeral, Lamarian Jenkins, unknown location, 22 Aug 1899, 1. Hereinafter cited as Jenkins Funeral, Lamarian Jenkins.
  4. [S1101] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
  5. [S1104] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
  6. [S1102] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.

Lemarian Mann

F, #1438, b. 29 May 1828, d. 18 Aug 1899
FatherWilliam Mann1
MotherJane (?)1
Married Name Her married name was Jenkins. 
Birth*29 May 1828 Lemarian Mann was born on 29 May 1828 at Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH.2,1 
Marriage* She married William Jenkins, son of John Jenkins and Ann (?)
Address*  The address of Lemarian Mann was 818 Isabella Street, Newport, Campbell, KY.3 
Death*18 Aug 1899 She died on 18 Aug 1899 at home, Newport, Campbell, KY, at age 71.3,1 
Death Caus18 Aug 1899 Cause of death was heart failure.1 
Burial*21 Aug 1899 She was buried at Spring Grove Cemetery, Sec. 110, Lot 72, Space 20, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH; Funeral was at Walnut Hills Methodist Church; undertaker: Fred Erschell.4,1 


William Jenkins b. 13 Dec 1816, d. 7 Feb 1897
Marriage* She married William Jenkins, son of John Jenkins and Ann (?)


  1. [S1100] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
  2. [S779] 1880 Census Database, online, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (unknown location), 1999-2002, 1880 census of daughter Laura indicates she was born in OH.
  3. [S1098] Unknown article title, About Newport, Lemarian Jenkins Died, unknown location, 18 Aug 1899, 5. Hereinafter cited as About Newport, Lemarian Jenkins Died.
  4. [S1097] Unknown article title, Jenkins Funeral, Lamarian Jenkins, unknown location, 22 Aug 1899, 1. Hereinafter cited as Jenkins Funeral, Lamarian Jenkins.
  5. [S1101] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
  6. [S1104] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
  7. [S1102] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.