Dick Horner Ancestry

If you find any errors or have any questions regarding the data on these web pages, please do not hesitate to contact me. A link is provided at the bottom of each page.

Regarding images of source records:

Images are provided for a large number of the sources. Links to most of these images can be found in the citations at the bottom of the page or by clicking the source link in the citation and then clicking the image link in the source record.

I do need to apologize that in some of the source records you may find many links to images of which only one or a few apply. It will take some time for me to clear this up.

For HORNER/HORNOR researchers:

If you are researching Horner or Hornor family trees, please read For Horner Researchers for important information about the Horner and Hornor families found in this genealogy data.

For STEEL/STEELE researchers:

If you are researching Steel(e) family trees, please read For Steel(e) Researchers regarding some misinformation found in a large number of trees.

Dick Horner