Dale E Hudson1,2
M, #10260, b. 21 Sep 1919, d. 17 Apr 1988
Birth* | 21 Sep 1919 | Dale E Hudson was born on 21 Sep 1919 at Saint Joseph, Berrien, MI.1,4,5,6,7,3 |
Address* | 5 Dec 1955 | As of 5 Dec 1955, the address of Dale E Hudson was Indianapolis, Marion, IN.8 |
Address | 21 May 1963 | As of 21 May 1963, the address of Dale E Hudson was Indianapolis, Marion, IN.9 |
Address | 17 Apr 1988 | As of 17 Apr 1988, the address of Dale E Hudson was Indianapolis, Marion, IN.7 |
Occupation* | 17 Apr 1988 | As of 17 Apr 1988, his occupation was retired, was a set-up person at Diamond Chain.6,7 |
Death* | 17 Apr 1988 | He died on 17 Apr 1988 at Community Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion, IN, at age 68.4,2,6,7,3 |
Burial* | 20 Apr 1988 | He was buried at Fairview Cemetery, Tipton, Tipton, IN.7,3  |
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
- [S1147] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search"; from Tipton Tribune, 18 Apr 1988, page 10; Tipton Tribune, 19 Apr 1988, page 4, Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search."
- [S1001] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
- [S347] Social Security Death Index (SSDI), 285-32-9671 (Baltimore, MD: United States Social Security Administration). Hereinafter cited as Social Security Death Index (SSDI).
- [S1147] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search"; from Tipton Tribune, 18 Apr 1988, page 10; Tipton Tribune, 19 Apr 1988, page 4; age 68 at death, Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search."
- [S1154] Unknown article title, The Tipton County (IN) Tribune, Dale E Hudson Obituary - 1, unknown location, 18 Apr 1988, 10. Hereinafter cited as Dale E Hudson Obituary - 1.
- [S1155] Unknown article title, The Tipton County (IN) Tribune, Dale E Hudson Obituary - 2, unknown location, 19 Apr 1988, 4. Hereinafter cited as Dale E Hudson Obituary - 2.
- [S1145] Unknown article title, Mrs. Lulie Hudson Succumbs at 71 In Atlanta Home, unknown location, 6 Dec 1955, 1,6. Hereinafter cited as Mrs. Lulie Hudson Succumbs at 71 In Atlanta Home.
- [S1146] Unknown article title, Atlanta Resident Succumbs Saturday; Charles E Hudson, unknown location, 20 May 1963, 1. Hereinafter cited as Atlanta Resident Succumbs; Charles E Hudson.
James Kline Hudson1,2,3,4
M, #10261, b. 22 Nov 1922, d. 6 Jan 2006
Note* | | James Kline Hudson I am guessing this person's name should be James and is living in parents' home 5 Dec 1955.4 |
Birth* | 22 Nov 1922 | He was born on 22 Nov 1922 at Orlando, Orange, FL.2,6,5 |
Birth | 23 Nov 1922 | He was born on 23 Nov 1922 at Orlando, Orange, FL.1 |
Milit-Beg* | 1942 | He began military service in 1942. He served in the United States Coast Guard.6 |
Milit-End* | 1946 | He ended military service in 1946.6 |
Address | 5 Dec 1955 | As of 5 Dec 1955, the address of James Kline Hudson was Atlanta, Hamilton, IN.4 |
Address* | 21 May 1963 | As of 21 May 1963, the address of James Kline Hudson was Atlanta, Hamilton, IN.3 |
Address | 17 Apr 1988 | As of 17 Apr 1988, the address of James Kline Hudson was Atlanta, Hamilton, IN.7 |
Occupation* | 6 Jan 2006 | As of 6 Jan 2006, his occupation was working for General Motors.6 |
Death* | 6 Jan 2006 | He died on 6 Jan 2006 at Tipton Hospital, Tipton, Tipton, IN, at age 83.2,6 |
Burial* | 11 Jan 2006 | He was buried at Fairview Cemetery, Tipton, Tipton, IN.6,8  |
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
- [S1147] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search"; from Tipton Tribune, 9 Jan 2006, page 2, Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search."
- [S1146] Unknown article title, Atlanta Resident Succumbs Saturday; Charles E Hudson, unknown location, 20 May 1963, 1. Hereinafter cited as Atlanta Resident Succumbs; Charles E Hudson.
- [S1145] Unknown article title, Mrs. Lulie Hudson Succumbs at 71 In Atlanta Home, unknown location, 6 Dec 1955, 1,6. Hereinafter cited as Mrs. Lulie Hudson Succumbs at 71 In Atlanta Home.
- [S1001] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
- [S1157] Unknown article title, The Tipton County (IN) Tribune, James K Hudson Obituary, unknown location, 9 Jan 2006, 2. Hereinafter cited as James K Hudson Obituary.
- [S1154] Unknown article title, The Tipton County (IN) Tribune, Dale E Hudson Obituary - 1, unknown location, 18 Apr 1988, 10. Hereinafter cited as Dale E Hudson Obituary - 1.
- [S1001] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader, Fairview Cemetery, Tipton County, IN.
Theodore M Hudson1,2
M, #10262, b. 26 Jun 1926, d. 25 Sep 1998
Birth* | 26 Jun 1926 | Theodore M Hudson was born on 26 Jun 1926 at FL.1,3,4,5,6 |
Milit-Beg* | | He began military service. He served as a Private First Class in the United States Army during World War II.5,6 |
Marriage* | 20 Jan 1951 | He married Mary Joyce Leever, daughter of George Leever, on 20 Jan 1951.2,5,7 |
Address | 5 Dec 1955 | As of 5 Dec 1955, the address of Theodore M Hudson was Elwood, Madison, IN.8 |
Address | 21 May 1963 | As of 21 May 1963, the address of Theodore M Hudson was Elwood, Madison, IN.8 |
Address | 17 Apr 1988 | As of 17 Apr 1988, the address of Theodore M Hudson was Elwood, Madison, IN.9 |
Address* | 25 Sep 1998 | As of 25 Sep 1998, the address of Theodore M Hudson was Madison, IN, 46036.3 |
Death* | 25 Sep 1998 | He died on 25 Sep 1998 at Saint Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion, IN, at age 72.3,2,5,6 |
Burial* | | He was buried at Elwood City Cemetery, Elwood, Madison, IN.6 |
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
- [S1147] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search"; from Tipton Tribune, 26 Sep 1998, Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search."
- [S347] Social Security Death Index (SSDI), 285-32-9671 (Baltimore, MD: United States Social Security Administration). Hereinafter cited as Social Security Death Index (SSDI).
- [S1147] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search"; from Tipton Tribune, 26 Sep 1998; age 72 at death, Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Tipton County Obituary Index - online search."
- [S1156] Unknown article title, The Tipton County (IN) Tribune, Theodore M Hudson Obituary, unknown location, 26 Sep 1998, 2. Hereinafter cited as Theodore M Hudson Obituary.
- [S850] Department of Veterans Affairs Nationwide Gravesite Locator, online http://gravelocator.cem.va.gov/j2ee/servlet/NGL_v1. Hereinafter cited as VA Gravesite Locator.
- [S1158] Unknown article title, The Tipton County (IN) Tribune, Mary Joyce Hudson Obituary, unknown location, 12 Sep 2003, 2. Hereinafter cited as Mary Joyce Hudson Obituary.
- [S1145] Unknown article title, Mrs. Lulie Hudson Succumbs at 71 In Atlanta Home, unknown location, 6 Dec 1955, 1,6. Hereinafter cited as Mrs. Lulie Hudson Succumbs at 71 In Atlanta Home.
- [S1154] Unknown article title, The Tipton County (IN) Tribune, Dale E Hudson Obituary - 1, unknown location, 18 Apr 1988, 10. Hereinafter cited as Dale E Hudson Obituary - 1.
Alma Hazel Fertig1
F, #10263, b. 21 May 1894, d. after Nov 1985
Married Name | | Her married name was Charles.1 |
Birth* | 21 May 1894 | Alma Hazel Fertig was born on 21 May 1894.1 |
Marriage* | | She married Edwin S Charles.1 |
Death* | after Nov 1985 | Alma Hazel Fertig died after Nov 1985.1 |
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
Edwin S Charles1
M, #10264
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
Hattie F Fertig1
F, #10265, b. 12 Sep 1899, d. 27 Sep 1995
Name Variation | | Hattie F Fertig was also known as Hattie C.2 |
Married Name | | Her married name was Lontz.1 |
Birth* | 12 Sep 1899 | She was born on 12 Sep 1899.1,3 |
Birth | circa 1900 | She was born circa 1900 at IN.2 |
Marriage* | 3 Jul 1927 | She married Charles T Lontz on 3 Jul 1927 at Laporte, Sullivan, PA.1,2 |
Occupation* | 1 Apr 1930 | As of 1 Apr 1930, her occupation was public school teacher.2 |
Address* | 27 Sep 1995 | As of 27 Sep 1995, the address of Hattie F Fertig was Northumberland, PA, 17847.3 |
Death* | 27 Sep 1995 | She died on 27 Sep 1995 at age 96.1,3 |
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
- [S883] Ancestry.com or Heritage Quest or FamilySearch.org, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.: n.pub.), Milton, Northumberland County, PA. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
- [S347] Social Security Death Index (SSDI), 285-32-9671 (Baltimore, MD: United States Social Security Administration). Hereinafter cited as Social Security Death Index (SSDI).
Charles T Lontz1
M, #10266, b. circa 1905
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
- [S883] Ancestry.com or Heritage Quest or FamilySearch.org, 1930 United States Federal Census (n.p.: n.pub.), Milton, Northumberland County, PA. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
Jane Barkley1
F, #10269
Married Name | | Her married name was Collins.1 |
Birth* | | Jane Barkley was born. |
Marriage* | 9 Apr 1840 | She married Benjamin Collins on 9 Apr 1840.1,2 |
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
- [S1136] Unknown name of person, Marriage Records of Clinton County Ohio unknown file number, unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Records of Clinton County Ohio.
Benjamin Collins1,2
M, #10270
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
- [S1136] Unknown name of person, Marriage Records of Clinton County Ohio unknown file number, unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH, marriage license. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Records of Clinton County Ohio.
- [S1136] Unknown name of person, Marriage Records of Clinton County Ohio unknown file number, unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Records of Clinton County Ohio.
Elizabeth Barkley1
F, #10271
- [S1140] Unknown compiler, compiler, "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio"; Ancestral File unknown repository, Wilmington, Clinton, OH. Hereinafter cited as "The Barclays of Pennsylvania and Ohio."
Henry Oxley1
M, #10272, b. 4 May 1699, d. 19 Mar 1777
Birth* | 4 May 1699 | Henry Oxley was born on 4 May 1699 at Morlidge, Derbyshire, England.1 |
Christening | 5 Jun 1699 | He was christened on 5 Jun 1699 at Darley/Darliegh, Derbyshire, England.1 |
Marriage* | 1721 | He married Mary Everett in 1721 at Hunterdon, NJ.1 |
Will* | 6 Feb 1776 | Henry Oxley left a will on 6 Feb 1776 at Loudoun, VA.1 |
Death* | 19 Mar 1777 | He died on 19 Mar 1777 at Point of Rocks, Loudoun, VA, at age 77.1 |
Burial* | | He was buried at an old, forgotten graveyard within what is now the Gum Farm along Loughlin Lane, RT 661, Loudoun, VA.1 |
- [S1141] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Genealogy of the Oxley Family"; Ancestral File (2009), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy of the Oxley Family."
Mary Everett1
F, #10273, b. 16 Jun 1697, d. circa 1760
Family | Henry Oxley b. 4 May 1699, d. 19 Mar 1777 |
Children | |
- [S1141] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Genealogy of the Oxley Family"; Ancestral File (2009), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy of the Oxley Family."
Mary Hamell Oxley1
F, #10274, b. 27 Jan 1722/23
Married Name | | Her married name was Howell.1 |
Birth* | 27 Jan 1722/23 | Mary Hamell Oxley was born on 27 Jan 1722/23 at NJ.1 |
Marriage* | | She married James Howell.1 |
- [S1141] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Genealogy of the Oxley Family"; Ancestral File (2009), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy of the Oxley Family."
Elizabeth Oxley1
F, #10275, b. 14 Mar 1725/26, d. 5 Oct 1739
Birth* | 14 Mar 1725/26 | Elizabeth Oxley was born on 14 Mar 1725/26 at NJ.1 |
Death* | 5 Oct 1739 | She died on 5 Oct 1739 at NJ at age 13.1 |
- [S1141] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Genealogy of the Oxley Family"; Ancestral File (2009), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy of the Oxley Family."
Everett Oxley1
M, #10276, b. 24 Mar 1730/31, d. 22 May 1774
- [S1141] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Genealogy of the Oxley Family"; Ancestral File (2009), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy of the Oxley Family."