Golden Wedding Anniversary of Andrew and Annie (Smith) Wedel

Clipping received from Anita Baldridge
Winton Couple Observe Golden Wedding Date
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wedel of Winton observed the 50th year of their marriage last Sunday when they met with other members of their church congregation for Sunday morning worship service.
Flowers on the altar of the church and decorations in the Church Hall carried out the theme of the anniversary.
Friends Gather
Rev. J. P. Glanzer chose a sermon topic suitable to the occasion and later spoke briefly of the anniversary when between 75 and 80 friends and church members sat down to lunch in the Church Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wedell were married in Houston, Texas, January 23, 1901, in a civil ceremony. Mr. Wedel is a native of Hallstead, Kan., and was born April 17, 1879. His wife is a native of the same state and was born July 14, 1884.
Broom Maker
Mr. Wedell was a broom maker and during the early days of the following of his trade used a wagon for all of his travels. Following his marriage he moved to a farm about 22 miles from Houston where he raised his own broom corn for his products.
About five years later they moved to Fairview, Okla., where Mr. Wedell started in the construction business. They lived there 40 years and during the last six years of their residence also operated and auto court.
Move Here
After selling their property in Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. Wedell moved to Atwater in 1945. Mr. Wedell once more returned to his construction trade and built about 10 houses in this area.
His strength began to give out and about two years ago he retired. They continued to make their home here until a few months ago when they moved to Winton to make their home with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen.
Family of Four
Mr. and Mrs. Wedell had four children but lost one as a baby. A daughter, Theresa, who worked in Washington, D.C., was killed in an auto accident when she was 23 and a son, Dennis Clifford, died at the age of 31.
Their other daughter, Maggie Allen, is the mother of their only grandchild, Anita.
Brothers Here
Mr. Wedell was one of nine children with five of his brothers still living. Isaac and Jacob are residents of Winton, also.
Mrs. Wedell has one sister still living in Hallstead, Kan. They were members of a family of four.
In his message to them last Sunday Rev. Glanzer said, "May God continue to guide and bless them in their declining years and give them many more years of happiness."